

  Dr. Zhiyong ZHANG, SMIEEE, SMACM [Brief CV, PDF, 108K]      

  Dean, College of Information Engineering

  Executive Director, Informaton Science Division

  Director, Henan International Joint Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Applications

  Director, Henan Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Development Innovation Laboratory

  Henan Province Distinguished Professor, Ph.D. Advisor

  Henan University of Science and Technology (HAUST)

  263 Kaiyuan Ave, Luoyang 471023, Henan, P. R. of China


  ORCID: 0000-0003-3061-7768; SC: 56153229800

Latest News


[SocialMetaData, January 2021] Experimental Research Platform of Social Situational Meta Data is online! Seeing details  at


[Special Issue, February 2020] Special Issue on “AI-Enabled and Human-Centric Computing for Online Social Networks Security, Privacy and Trust”, Journal of Information Processing Systems (ISSN: 1976-913X (Print), ISSN: 2092-805X (Online)) [Call for Papers]  


  [What's more]

Table Of Contents


[CSA Lab/Research Group] [CSA Director] [Research Areas] [Curriculums] [Monographs] [Funds & Projects]

[Papers, Editorials, Reports] [Standards, Patents & Software Copyrights] [Prototypes & Demos]

[EB, GE/TPC] [Call For Papers/Book Chapters] [Readings & Resources] [Miscellaneous]

[My Office @ HAUST] [Recruitment]  


CSA Lab/Research Group [Back]


Henan International Joint Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Applications (abbr. CSA) and Henan Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Development Innovation Laboratory (abbr. IMBD), which is affiliated to Henan University of Science and Technology, is sponsored by Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, respectively. The research realms of the lab and research group focus on cyberspace security and artificial intelligence, smart manufacturing big data analytics and computing, industry internet security, human-centirc digital society. For decades, the group members have dedicated themselves to carry out a number of national and provincial research projects that National Natural Science Fund of China, Plan For Scientific Innovation Talent of Henan Province, Plan for Innovation Talents of Science and Technology in Universities of Henan Province, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, as well as The Key Science and Technology Program of Henan Province, etc. At the same time, Henan University of Science and Technology as the main drafter, they participated to draft China National Standards named as “Information technology digital rights management terminology ", and electronic industry standard specifications. In recent years, the group published above 200 papers in well-known academic journals, such as IEEE TDSC, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TBD and ACM TCPS, as well as in international conferences as IEEE CCNC2009, IFIP NPC2007, ACM HPCS2010. There are above 100 papers indexed by SCI & EI Compendex. They held over 10 authorized China national invention patents, and 30 items of copyrighted computer software productions as "the multimedia audio and video digital copyright protection system of DRM Player V3.0". The research group has 10 faculty members, including 15 professors and doctors, 4 advisors for PhD and Master students, above 30 postgraduate students pursuing their degrees in the lab.


   Miss S. TANG (CSA Office Secretary, Miss X. LI (CSA PR Secretary,

CSA Director [Back]


Dr. Zhiyong ZHANG, born in 1975 October, earned his Bachelor, Master and Ph. D. degrees in Computer Science at Henan Normal University, Dalian University of Technology and Xidian University, P. R. of China, respectively. In 2010-2013, Zhang have ever conducted interdisciplinary post-doctoral studies on  social media and Digital Rights Management (DRM) at School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University, P. R. China. In 2015-2016, he, as visiting professor, joined Software Engineering Laboratory/Research Group chaired by Professor Carl K. Chang (IEEE CS President Emeritus, IEEE Life Fellow/AAAS Fellow), and focused on Situational Analytics and social computing, as well as prototype development at Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, USA. Nowadays, he is Dean of College of Information Engineering, Executive Director of Information Science Divison, Director of Henan International Joint Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Applications, Director of Henan Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Development Innovation Laboratory, as well as a full-time Henan Province Distinguished Professor, Ph. D. Advisor, at Henan University of Science and Technology, P. R. China. He is IEEE/ACM Senior Member, and also Founder of SHARETECHES (formerly CyVOD established in 2015 May).

[Research Contributions]  Recent decade, Zhang made intensive efforts to pursue cutting-edge researches on computer science, plus cross-disciplinary studies on both information technology and information management. His research interests primarily include cyberspace security and frontier computing, social computing and social intelligence, social IOT and cyber-physical systems security, block chain technology for multimedia security, as well as multimedia cloud computing/edge computing technology. He took the lead in investigating the challenging issues of security, trust and risk in digital rights management ecosystem mainly for multimedia, further extending the studies oriented towards the emerging social media and social networks. And then, a novel research idea of the convergences of both "hard security" and "soft computing" was proposed in order to realize the ecosystem-level multimedia content security schemes. Especifically, he have ever proposed the social-situation analytics technology (SocialSitu) and recommender, trust model for multimedia social networks, together with security-utility analysis and game-theoretical method for DRM policies, and is now fully engaged in doing in-depth research on that. He has developed VOD (Voice of Dream) series multimedia security prototype and software productions for consumer electronics like PC, Mobile and Pad, as well as  deployed a trinity multimedia social network platform. As of today, in the filed of DRM engineering and applications, Zhang owns 35 papers indexed by Ei Compendex™ database especially regarding the keywords like "Digital Rights Management or DRM", as ranked as the second in the world.  

[Research Endeavors] For years, Zhang has been Principal Investigator of Chinese leading funded projects sponsored by National Natural Science Fund of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Chinese Ministry of Education Key Science & Technology Program, as well as Program for Innovative Research Team (in Science and Technology) in University of Henan Province, Plan For Scientific Innovation Talent of Henan Province, Program for Science & Technology Innovation Talents in Universities of Henan Province, and Henan Province Key Technologies R & D Program. In recent years, he has published above 120 selected papers on the well-known academic international journals and conferences sponsored by IEEE, ACM and IFIP, including "IEEE Transactions on Big Data", "Future Generation Computer Systems", "The Computer Journal", etc. He has edited, co-edited and translated 6 books, entitled by "Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem" (Science Press), ''Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications"(Elsevier), Risk Assessment and Management"(Academy Publish), "Social Network Security Theory and Technology (in Chinese, Science Press)", "Digital Rights Management and Security Technology (in Chinese, National Defense Industry Press)" and "Cyber Security Policy Guidebook (Translation, National Defense Industry Press and Wiley)". Besides, he held 12 granted patents and 30 items of The Registration of Computer Software Copyright, which are functionally demonstrated by using fruitful Prototypes & Demos (in Chinese). As Chairperson of CSA Lab, he has founded SHARETECHES.COM, which is a China leading science & technology services platform, as well as DRM applications for mobile multimedia. And also, he, as one of core drafters, co-drafted China National Standards including "Information Technology-Digital Rights Management-Terminology". He was conferred to Second Prize of Henan Province Science & Technology Progress issued by Henan Province Government, in  2014 January and 2017 December, respectively, due to the above research & development achievements, which are very helpful for a prospective, healthy and successful digital content industry.

[Academic Services] Zhang is IEEE Senior Member (M'06, S'11), ACM Senior Member (M'08, S'13), China Computer Federation Senior Member (M'04, S'08) and China Association for Artifical Intelligence (10'S), as well as Board of IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (IEEE ComSoC MMTC) and IEEE MMTC DRMIG Chair, Committeeman of IEEE Systems, Man, Cybermetics Society Technical Committee on Soft Computing (IEEE SMC TCSC), World Federation on Soft Computing Young Researchers Committee (WFSC YRC), IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Member, IEEE Young Professional (formerly IEEE GOLD Volunteer), and Committeeman of China National Audio, Video, Multimedia System and Device Standardization Technologies Committee. Besides, Prof. Zhang is Editorial Board Member of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer, SCI), Neural Network World (Czech Republic, SCI), Journal on Big Data (Springer) and EURASIP Journal on Information Security (Springer), Associate Editor of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (Springer) and IEEE Access (IEEE), Leading Guest Editor/Co-Guest Editor of Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier, SCI), Computer Journal (Oxford, SCI), Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier, SCI), as well as International Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IGI Global). Plus, Zhang made outstanding efforts and contributions on the following academic services, including Proceedings Publication Chair/Co-Chair of IEEE COMPSAC 2016 and COMPSAC 2017, which is the flagship conference of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS),  Chair/Co-Chair for numerous International Workshops/Sessions on Digital Rights Management, as well as TPC Member of numerous international conferences on multimedia and computing security. He was conferred the Award of Outstanding Organization Works for 2009 International Workshop on Digital Rights Management & Contents Protection, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, in 2009 December.

[Social Services] Prof. Zhang was honored as Member Luoyang Municipal Standing Committee of CPPCC in 2018 September, is now playing an active role in planning and drafting strategic progress in science and technology, promoting and stimulating high-technologies industry, as well as advancing and refining culture and society management. He has ever submitted a number of proposals for local governments in recent decade. Specifically speaking, his suggestions and oral reports, in the field of IT industries, primarily and comprehensively embrace all kinds of software industry, robotic industry, digital content industry, and information security and management. Welcome your visiting to his homepage. © Seeing details in [Full CV, PDF, 215K]



(Updated in 2021 September)


150+ Publications · 7 Books · 36 Patents · 12 Standards · 10+ Awards · 50+ Postgraduates

Portfolio of Highlighted Papers & Books


Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, X. Wang, et al. A Situational Analytic Method for User Behavior Pattern in Multimedia Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2019, 5(4): 520-528. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, K. R. Choo, et al. A Novel Situation-Analytics Based Recommendation Algorithm for Multimedia Social Networks. IEEE Access, 2019, (7): 117749-117760. [PDF]


P. Shi, Z. Zhang*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. Detecting Malicious Social Bots Based on Clickstream Sequences [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 28855-28862. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, B. B. Gupta. Social Media Security and Trustworthiness: Overview and New Direction. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 914-925. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, K. R. Choo, A. K. Sangaiah, et al. Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystems. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 66: 492-494. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, J. Wen, X. Wang, et al. A Novel Crowd Evaluation Method for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Social Networks Platforms Based on Signaling Theory. Journal of Computational Science, 2018, 26: 468-477.  [PDF]


A. K. Sangaiah, M. Sheng, Z. Zhang. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications, Elsevier, 2018. (ISBN: 978-0-12-813314-9) [Html]


Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, C. Zhao, C. K. Chang, B. B. Gupta. CyVOD: A Novel Trinity Multimedia Social Network Scheme. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(18): 18513–18529. [PDF]


W. Feng, Z. Zhang*, J. Wang, L. Han. A Novel Authorization Delegation Scheme for Multimedia Social Networks by using Proxy Re-encryption. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(21): 13995-14014. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, K. Wang. A Formal Analytic Approach to Credible Potential Path and Mining Algorithms for Multimedia Social Networks. The Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 668-678. [PDF]


Z. Zhang*, Z. Wang, D. Niu. A Novel Approach to Rights Sharing-Enabling Digital Rights Management for Mobile Multimedia. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74 (16): 6255-6271. [PDF]


Z. Zhang, K. Fan, F. Xiang (Translators), Jennifer L. Bayuk, Jason Healey, Paul Rohmeyer, et al. Cyber Security Policy Guidebook. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2014, 11. (ISBN 978-7-118-09824-2, Chinese Edition)


Z. Zhang*, K. Wang. A Trust Model for Multimedia Social Networks. Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2013, 3(4): 969-979. [PDF]


Z. Zhang. Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem. Beijing: Science Press, 2012. (ISBN 978-7-03-034335-2, in English)


Z. Zhang. Risk Assessment and Management. USA: Academy Publish, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-9835850-0-8)

(Updated in 2020 January)

Research Aeras (Presently) [Back]


Cyberspeace security and frontier computing


Big data-driven social computing and social intelligence


Social IOT and cyber-physical systems security


Block chain technology for multimedia security


Multimedia cloud computing/edge computing technology


Interdisciplinary study on both information technology and information management

Curriculums [Back]

项目符号 Introduction to Computer Science (Freshman Course, Fall, Since 2011)
It mainly Introduces the professional foundation and core knowledge of computer science and technology , but not expanding or deepening the technical details of knowledge, emphasizing basic concepts rather than mathematical models.
Educational Materials: Chen M. Introduction to Computer (The first edition) [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2010.
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf, Liu Yi, Zhai Gaofeng, etc. (Translator). Introduction to Computer Science (The second edition) [M], Beijing : Mechanical Industry Press, 2009.
Note: No requiring prerequisite knowledge of computer science, programming or mathematics.
项目符号 Trusted Computing Technology (M050812008, Postgraduate Course, Spring, Since 2010)
It mainly introduces the architecture of Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology, the latest research progress, related Cryptography protection technology, DRM usage control and digital watermarking technology, international standards of OMA DRM and terminology standards of Chinese DRM etc ,and finally presents a self-developed DRM prototype system in detail.
References: important academic journals published at home and abroad nearly three years, having an impact on the international academic conference on papers, as well as the international standards, technical specifications, technical reports, etc.
1. Challener D. Zhao Bo (Translator). Trusted Computing [M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2009.
2. TCG Trusted Computing Technologies Specifications [D]. USA: Trusted Computing Group, 2003.
Note: Prerequisite for “Information Security Technology”, "Computer Network", etc.


Digital Rights Management Technology (M050812011, Postgraduate Course, Spring, Since 2016)
It mainly Introduces the development history and technology roadmap of trusted computing technology, the trusted computing platform framework, a trusted network access architecture, international standardization road and our nation trusted computing Union, and trusted computing technology discussions, open-source system experiments, etc.
References: important academic journals published at home and abroad nearly three years, having an impact on the international academic conference on papers, as well as the international standards, technical specifications, technical reports, etc.

1. Z. Zhang, Fan Kefeng. Digital Rights Management and Security Technology [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2013.
2. OAM Digital Rights Management Specification [D]. USA: Open Mobile Alliance, 2002.
Note: Prerequisite for " Computer Network", etc.


Seminar on the State-of-the-Art of Computer  (Postgraduate Course, Spring / Fall, Since 2010)
It mainly introduces the present technology situation at home and abroad, the new progress and the open issue of network and information systems security for digital rights management (DRM), multimedia cloud computing, etc.
References: important academic journals published at home and abroad nearly three years, having an impact on the international academic conference papers, as well as the international standards, technical specifications, technical reports, etc.


Information Security Technologies (Postgraduate Course, Spring, 2004-2006, 2010;Senior Course, Fall, 2009-2010)
It mainly introduces cryptography theory, key management, digital signature, security model and strategy, etc, which is relate to network security , as well as the important network security technology, such as a firewall technology, intrusion detection technology, etc.
Educational Materials: Wang Yumin. Communication Network Security - Theory And Technology [M]. Shaanxi: Xidian University Press, 2000.
1. Qing S H. Cryptography and Computer Network Security [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2001.
2. Bruce Schneier, Wu S Z (Translator). Applied Cryptography-Protocols, Algorithms, and C Source Program [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2000.
3. Jue X R, etc. The Principle And Application of Information Security [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003.
4. Ross J. Anderson , Jiang Jia ,etc (Translator). Information Security Engineering [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2003.
Note: Prerequisite for “Advanced Mathematics”, “Number Theory”, " Operating System", " Computer Network", etc.


Design of Unix Operating System (Senior Course, Fall, 2004-2006)
It Introduced the concrete implementation and Algorithm analysis of the Unix operating system in process management, process communication, storage management, file systems and device management, etc.
Educational Materials: " Design of Unix Operating System”, Maurice J.Bach, Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2000.
1. Uresh Vahalia. Unix Advanced Tutorial System Technology Insider [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2000.
2. Meng Qingchang. Operating System Tutorial-Unix Instances Analysis [M]. Shaanxi: Xidian University Press, 1997.
Note: Prerequisite for the “Data Structure”, “C Language Programming” , “Principles of Operating System”, etc.


Advanced Operating System (Postgraduate Degree Course, Fall, 2004-2005)
It mainly introduces the design and Implementation method of Operating System
Educational Materials: "Leon's Unix Source Code Analysis, John Lions, Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2001.
1. J. Bach. Design of Unix Operating System [M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2000.
2. Uresh Vahalia. Unix Advanced Tutorial System Technology Insider [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2000.
Note: Prerequisite for “Principles of Operating System”, “Design of Unix Operating System”, etc.


Principle Of Operating System (Junior Course, Spring, 2003-2006)
It mainly introduces the basic principle of the design of operating system ,including processor management, processes and threads, storage management, file systems, device management ,etc, and taking modern operating systems Windows2000/NT, Unix, Linux as examples to introduce the basic principles of the concrete implementation.
Educational Materials: " Tutorial of Computer Operating System (The second edition), Zhang Yao, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2001.
1. Meng J. Operating System Tutorial - Principles and Instances Analysis [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001.
2. Tang Z Y. Computer Operating System [M]. Shaanxi: Xidian University Press, 2005.
Note: Prerequisite for " Principles of Assembly", " Principles of Computer Composition ", "Data Structure" and " C Language Programming”, etc.

Research Funds & Projects [Back]


Research on Crowd Evaluation Method for Security and Trustworthiness of Social Media Platforms Based on Signaling Theory and Crowdsourcing, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No.61772174, PI, 2018.1-2018.12.


Digital media content security and copyrights protection in cloud media social networks, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No.61370220, PI, 2014.1-2017.12.


Research and development on multimedia social networks based on situation analytics, sponsored by Plan For Scientific Innovation Talent of Henan Province Grant No.2017JR0011, PI, 2017.1-2018.12.


Multimedia Content Security, sponsored by Program for Innovative Research Team (in Science and Technology) in University of Henan Province Grant No.15IRTSTHN010, PI, 2015.1-2017.12.


Research and Development of Multimedia Social Networks Key Security Technologies, Henan University of Science and Technology Landmark Achievement Cultivation Fund Grant No. No.2015BZCG01,  PI, 2015.9-2018.8.


Digital copyright protection technology research and development for cloud media social networking, sponsored by Plan For Scientific Innovation Talent of Henan Province Grant No.134100510006, PI, 2013.1-2015.12.


Digital rights spread of the small-world network modeling and risk control for DRM, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No.61003234, PI, 2011.1-2013.12.


An empirical research on the e-book e-commerce users safe behavior and digital rights management implementation, sponsored by The 47th China Postdoctoral Science Fund Grant No.20100471611, PI, 2010.6-2013.12.


Research on the trusted digital home network and its copyright protection mechanisms, sponsored by Program for Science & Technology Innovation Talents in Universities of Henan Province Grant No.2011HASTIT015, PI, 2011.1-2012.12.


Multimedia audio and video digital copyright protection system research and development, sponsored by Henan Province Key Technologies R & D Program Grant No.102102210556, PI, 2011.


Multi-Party trust research based on security policies game control for DRM, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation Grant No.60803150, 2011.


Research on the usage control system for digital content trusted authorize, sponsored by Henan Province Key Technologies R & D Program Grant No. 092102210295, PI, 2011.


Delegation authorization and access control technology research in computer sponsored cooperative work, sponsored by Henan Province Key Technologies R & D Program Grant No.092102210413, PI, 2010.


XXX software development, sponsored by the China Aviation Industry Institute 613, PI, 2012.


Research on key technology of mobile terminals trusted access, responsible for researching on trusted measurement method, 2012.


Research on image fusion system based on the multi-scale geometric analysis, sponsored by Henan Province Key Technologies R&D Program Grant No.082102240115, responsible for systems analysis, 2010.


Research on the standardization roadmap of digital rights management and “Information Technology Digital Rights Management Terminology", sponsored by The National Standardization Management Committee Grant No.20080200-T-339, Core Drafter, 2008.5-2013.12.


Visual object encoding mechanisms of the human brain, sponsored by The National Natural Science Fund project No.61003234,  responsible for system platform design, 2006.


Embedded network interface based on middleware technology, sponsored by Project sponsored by the major science and technology of Ministry of Education, No.03081, responsible for overall design, 2006.


Research on information retrieval model and processing mechanism based on agent, sponsored by Project sponsored by Natural science basic research of Henan Province Grant No.200410464004, responsible for system design, 2006.


Flood control command and decision support system of Heilongjiang Province, responsible for the design and implementation of database security engineering, 2002-2003.


The database security management system based on Oracle metadata (DBSMS), responsible for the overall design and research, 2002-2003.

Papers, Editorials, Reports & Dissertations [Back]

Selected Journal Papers/Editorials


[Zhang, 2020b] L. Zhang, Z. Zhang*, T. Zhao, et al. A Novel Access Control Model for Online Social Networks and Its Visual Verification [J]. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IGI Global), 2020. (Accepted)


[Zhang, 2020a] Z. Zhang*, J. Jing, K. R. Raymond Choo, et al. A Crowdsourcing Method for Online Social Networks Security Assessment [J]. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 10, 23 (2020). DOI: 10.1186/s13673-020-00230-0. (SCI, EI) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2019a] Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, X. Wang, et al. A Situational Analytic Method for User Behavior Pattern in Multimedia Social Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2019, 5(4): 520-528. [PDF]


[Wang, 2019] J. Wang, K. Qiao, Z. Zhang. An improvement for combination rule in evidence theory [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 91: 1-9. (SCI 000451790900001, EI 20183705794717) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2019b] C. Li, Z. Zhang, G. Chang. Multimedia Social Network Authorization Scheme of Comparison-based Encryption [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2019, 21(1): 137-144. (EI 20190306396578) [PDF]


[Shi, 2019] P. Shi, Z. Zhang*, K. R. Raymond Choo. Detecting Malicious Social Bots Based on Clickstream Sequences [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 28855-28862. (SCI 000462957000001, EI 20191706836075) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2019c] Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, K. R. Choo, et al. A Novel Situation-Analytics Based Recommendation Algorithm for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, (7): 117749-117760. (SCI 000484313600003) [PDF]


[Li, 2019a] Y. Li, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, et al. ProCTA: program characteristic‑based thread partition approach [J]. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019, 75:7366–7390. [PDF]


[Jin, 2019] Z. Jin, Z. Wan, Z. Zhang. Strictly contractive Peaceman–Rachford splitting method to recover the corrupted low rank matrix [J]. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2019) 2019:147. [PDF]


[Zhang, 2018a] Z. Zhang*, K. R. Choo, A. K. Sangaiah, et al. Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystems [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 66: 492-494. (SCI 000430162100036, EI 20180904850508) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2018b] Z. Zhang*, B. B. Gupta. Social Media Security and Trustworthiness: Overview and New Direction [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems [J], 2018, 86: 914-925. (SCI 000437555800079, EI 20165103145490) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2018c] Z. Zhang*, J. Wen, X. Wang, et al. A Novel Crowd Evaluation Method for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Social Networks Platforms Based on Signaling Theory[J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2018, 26: 468-477. (SCI 000438001600046, EI 20172203719496) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2018d] Z. Zhang*, K. Raymond Choo, B. B. Gupta, et al. The Convergence of New Computing Paradigms and Big Data Analytics Methodologies for Online Social Networks [J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2018, 26: 453-455. (SCI 000438001600044, EI 20181605014667) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2018e] Z. Zhang*, C. Li, B. B. Gupta, et al. Efficient Compressed Ciphertext Length Scheme Using Multi-Authority CP-ABE for Hierarchical Attributes [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 38273-38284. (SCI 000440342700001, EI 20182905554496) [PDF]


[Tu, 2018] Z. Tu, X. Zeng, Z. Zhang. More permutation polynomials with differential uniformity six [J]. Science China Information Science, 2018, 61(3), 038104:1-038104:3. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-017-9118-5. (SCI 000417486900014, EI 20173604124155) [PDF]


[Gupta, 2018a] Brij B. Gupta, A. K. Sangaiah, N. Nedjah, S. Yamaguchi, Z. Zhang. Recent research in computational intelligence paradigms   into security and privacy for online social networks (OSNs) [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 851–854. (SCI 000437555800073, EI 20182505321805) [PDF]


[Gupta, 2018b] Brij B. Gupta, Shingo Yamaguchi, Z. Zhang, Kostas E. Psannis. Security and Privacy of Multimedia Big Data in the Critical Infrastructure [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(9): 10995-10995. (SCI 000431889900036, EI 20182505344912)


[Li, 2018a] C. Li, Z. Zhang*, L. Zhang, et al. A novel authorization scheme for multimedia social networks under cloud storage method by using MA-CP-ABE [J]. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (Taylor & Francis), 2018, 8(3): 32-47.


[Zhang, 2017b] Z. Zhang*, R. Sun, C. Zhao, et al. CyVOD: A Novel Trinity Multimedia Social Network Scheme [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(18): 18513–18529. DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4162-z (SCI 000407861800017, EI 20164803071103) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2017c] Z. Zhang*, K. R. Choo. Multimedia Social Network Security and Applications [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(3): 3163-3168. DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4081-z (SCI 000396051200001, EI 20165003108429) [PDF]


[Sangaiah, 2017] A. K. Sangaiah, N. Nedjahb, Z. Zhang*. Recent Trends in Embedded Technologies and Wearable Systems: Computational Intelligence Solutions [J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017, 61: 235-237. (SCI 000407981800019, EI 20173104004299) [PDF]


[Wang, 2017] J. Wang,  K. Qiao, Z. Zhang, et al. A new conflict management method in dempster-shafer theory [J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, 13(3). (SCI 000400351500001, EI 20171803628070) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2016a] W. Feng, Z. Zhang*, J. Wang, L. Han. A Novel Authorization Delegation Scheme for Multimedia Social Networks by using Proxy Re-encryption [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 2016, 75(21): 13995-14014. (SCI 000386776800052, EI 20153701254312) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2016b] Z. Zhang*, A. K. Sangaiah. Applied Soft Computing for Online Social Networks [J]. Neural Network World, 2016, (6): 539-541. (SCI 000392283000002) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2016c] Z. Zhang*, L. Han, C. Li, et al. A Novel Attribute-Based Access Control Model for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Neural Network World, 2016, (6): 543-557. (SCI 000399394400001) [PDF]


[Li, 2017a] L. Li, K. Fan, Z. Zhang, et al. Community Detection Algorithm Based on Local Expansion K-Means [J]. Neural Network World, 2016, 26(6): 589-605. (SCI 000392283000005) [PDF]


[Du, 2016] J. Du, Z. Zhang, Analysis on the digging of social network based on user search behavior, International Journal of Smart Home, 2016, 10(5): 297-304. (EI 20162602535286) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2015d] Z. Zhang*. The Challenge of Multimedia Social Networks and Security [J]. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 8(2): 72-73. (EI 20153901314334) [PDF]


[Chang, 2015] Y. Chang, Z. Zhang*, Wang Jian. A Security Protocol for Trusted Access to Cloud Environment [J]. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 8(2): 135-144. (EI 20162902597361) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2015c] Z. Zhang*. Security, Trust and Risk in Multimedia Social Networks (Editorial). The Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 515-517. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/bxu151. (SCI 000359137500001,  EI 20151500736718) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2015a] Z. Zhang*, Z. Wang, D. Niu. A Novel Approach to Rights Sharing-Enabling Digital Rights Management for Mobile Multimedia [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer),  2015, 74 (16): 6255-6271. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2135-7. (SCI 000359864700009, EI 20143600007178) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2015b] Z. Zhang*, K. Wang. A Formal Analytic Approach to Credible Potential Path and Mining Algorithms for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. The Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 668-678. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/bxu035. (SCI 000359137500011, EI 20151500736707) [PDF]


[Wang, 2014a] J. Wang*, Z. Zhang*, F. Xiang, et al. Trusted License Distribution System Based on IPSEC VPN for Mobile DRM [J]. Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal, 2014, 8(1): 34-41. (EI 20152801023852) [PDF]


[Chen, 2014] Q. Chen, Z. Zhang*, F. Xiang, et al. Research on Access Control Model for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Journal of Xidian University, 2014, 41(6): 181-187. (EI 20145200360046) [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Wang, 2014b] Z. Wang, Z. Zhang*, Y. Chang. Multimedia DRM System for Android Platforms [J]. Computer Science, 2014, 41(5): 129-132, 142 . [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2013a] Z. Zhang*, K. Wang. A Trust Model for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Social Networks Analysis and Mining (Springer), 2013, 3(4): 969-979. DOI: 10.1007/s13278-012-0078-4. [PDF]


[Zhang, 2013a] Z. Zhang*. Syncretic DRM: Advance on Digital Rights Management [J]. Network Security Technology and Application, 2013(10): 96-97+100.  [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Huang, 2013] T. Huang*, Z. Zhang*, Q. Chen, et al. A Method for Trusted Usage Control over Digital Content Based on Cloud Computing [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.7, No.4, pp.795-802, 2013. [PDF]


[Wang, 2013a] J. Wang, Z. Zhang*, L. Yang. A DRM System Sponsored by Trusted Computing and its Secure Protocol Research [J] .Computer Science, 40(6): 103-107. [PDF]


[Zhang, 2012a] Z. Zhang*. Frontier and Methodologies on Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.6, No.9, pp.245-249, 2012. (EI 20122415113619) [PDF]


[Yang, 2012a] L. Yang, Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Rough Set and Trust Assessment-based Potential Paths Analysis and Mining for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.6, No.22, pp. 640-647, 2012. (EI 20125215835371) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2012b] Z. Zhang*, M. Maheswaran. Multimedia Contents Security in Social Networks Applications (Editorial). Journal of Multimedia, 2012, 7(4): 1-2. [PDF]


[Zhang, 2012c] Z. Zhang*, L. Yang, T. Huang. Research on Secure Distributions for Digital Content in Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Computer Science, 2012, 39(4): 94-97. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2011a] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang, et al. Game-Theoretic Analyses and Simulations of Adoptions of Security Policies for DRM in Content Sharing Scenario [J]. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 17, No.2, pp.191-203, 2011. (SCI 000288881400007) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2011b] Z. Zhang*. Digital Rights Management Ecosystem and its Usage Controls: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.3, pp.255-272, 2011. (EI 20112214020460) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2011c] Z. Zhang*, T. Huang, D. Niu, et al. Usage Control Model for Digital Rights Management in Digital Home Networks [J]. Journal of Multimedia, Vol.6, No.4, pp.376-383, 2011. (EI 20113414261239) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2011d] Z. Zhang*. Digital Rights Management Ecosystem: Open Issues and Challenges [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.290-296, 2011. (EI 20114814568290)  [PDF] 


[Niu, 2011] D. Niu, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, et al. A Novel Approach to Digital Content Sharing for Digital Home Network [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.324-333, 2011. (EI 20114814568294) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2011] L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, D. Niu, et al. A Novel DRM Security Scheme and its Prototype System Implementation[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.334-342, 2011. (EI 20114814568295) [PDF]


[Tang, 2011] G. Tang, Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, et al. Blind watermarking algorithm based on wavelet-transform and fractal self-similarity[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.402-410, 2011. (EI 20114814568302) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2011e] Z. Zhang*, D. Niu. Advances on Digital Rights Usage Control in Digital Rights Management [J]. Computer Science, 2011, 38(4): 48-54.  [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2010d] Z. Zhang*, T. Huang, Q. Wu, et al. A CSCW-Enabling Integrated Access Control Model and its Application [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol.108-111, pp.426-435, 2010. (EI 20102713054574, ISTP 000282765400074) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2010c] Z. Zhang*, X. Liu, J. Pu. Utility-Analytic Approach and Swarm Simulations of Security Policies in Digital Rights Management [J]. Journal of Multimedia, Vol.5, No.5, pp.417-426, 2010. (EI 20104613391495) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2010a] Z. Zhang*, S. Lian, Q. Pei, et al. Fuzzy Risk Assessments on Security Policies for Digital Rights Management [J]. Neural Network World, Vol. 20, No.3, pp.265-284, 2010. (SCI 000280426100002, EI 20103213125917) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2009a] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang,  et al. Security and Trust of Digital Rights Management: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2009, 9(3): 247-263. (EI 20131316154339) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2009c] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang, et al. Establishing Multi-Party Trust Architecture for DRM by Using Game-Theoretic Analysis of Security Policies [J] Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2009, 18(3): 519-524. (SCI 000268110500027, EI 20093612286410) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2009d] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang, et al. Attestation Proxy Party-Sponsored Remote Attestation Model and Its Secure Protocol [J]. Journal of Xidian University, 2009, 36(1): 58-63+105. (EI 20091211966375) [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2009e] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang Delegation Authorization Model for Trust Management and its Application in Peer-to-Peer Security [J]. Computer Science, 2009, 36(10): 72-76. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2009g] Z. Zhang*, C. Ye, K. Fan, et al. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process-Based Utilities Evaluation and Adoption for DRM Security Policies [J]. Journal on Communications, 2009, 30(10A): 126-131.(EI 20102913085578) [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2008a] Z. Zhang*, L. Yang, J. Ma, et al. CSCW System Access Control Based on Trusted Computing [J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2008, 36(1):59-62. (EI 081511196576) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2008e] Z. Zhang*, T. Huang. Research Advances on Role-Based Delegation Authorization in Trust Management [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2008, 25(6):1601-1605+1610. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2007b] Z. Zhang*, L. Yang, J. Ma, et al. Access Control Model for CSCW System and Implementation Based on Trusted Computing Technology [J]. Computer Science, 2007, 34(9):117-121+124. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2006a] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Research and Application of Delegation in PMI System [J]. Computer Engineering, 2006, 32(5): 152-154.(EI 06169831777) [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2006b] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Delegation Model for Heterogeneous Distributed CSCW and Its Access Control [J]. Computer Engineering, 2006, 32(12): 71-73. (EI 06289997153) [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2006c] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu, T. Huang. UCOND: Research on Usage Control Delegation Model and Key Technology [J]. Network Security Technology and Application, 2006, 6: 42-44. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2005b] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Application of RBAC Policy in CORBA Distributed Object System Security [J]. Computer Engineering, 2005, 31(20): 159-161. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2005a] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu, C. Feng. Multi-Agent System Management Model based on Role and Collaboration and Application [J]. Computer Applications and Software, 2005, 22(9): 107-109.  [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2004a] Z. Zhang*. Role-Based Access Control and Object-Oriented Modeling [J]. Computer Engineering and Design, 2004, 25(8): 1367-1369+1374. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Wang, 2003] X. Wang, N. Yang, Z. Zhang*. A Scheme Based on RBAC of Database Secure Access Control Designing and Realizing [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2003(3): 87-88+107. [PDF] (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2002] S. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Zhang. Research on JDBC-based Accessing Heterogeneous Distributed Database [J]. Computer Engineering, 2002, 28(12): 273-275. [PDF] (in Chinese)

Selected Conference Papers


[Li, 2020a]Y. Li, Z. Zhang, D. Niu, J. Jin. ParaCA:A Speculative Parallel Crawling Approach on Apache Spark [C]. The Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2020), New York, US. Oct, 2020. (Accepted)


Li, 2020b]Y. Li, Z. Zhang, B. Liu. An Adaptive Thread Partitioning Approach in Speculative Multithreading [C]. The Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2020), New York, US. Oct, 2020. (Accepted)


[Li, 2019b] Y. Li, Z. Zhang, D. Niu, et al. TPAoPI:A Thread Partitioning Approach Based on Procedure Importance in Speculative Multithreading [C]. The Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC2019), Zhangjiajie, China, July. 2019. [PDF]


[Niu, 2019] D. Niu, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, et al. A Service Composition Mechanism Based on Mobile Edge Computing for IoT [C]. The Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2019), Shanghai, China, December, 2019. [PDF]


[Li, 2018b] Y. Li,  Z. Zhang. Parallel Computing: Review and Perspective [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. [PDF]


[Li, 2018c] Y. Li, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, et al. Thread Level Speculation: Review and Perspectives [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. [PDF]


[Niu, 2018] L. Zhang, D. Niu, Y. Li,  Z. Zhang. A Survey on Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. [PDF]


[Zhao, 2013] C. Zhao*, Z. Zhang*, H. Li, et al. A Social Network Information Propagation Model Considering Different Types of Social Relationships [C]. Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,  pp.275-282, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01796-9_29. (EI 20151600756807) [PDF]


[Wang, 2013a] Z. Wang, Z. Zhang*, Y. Chang, et al. An Approach to Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management based on Android [C]. Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pp.239-246, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01796-9_25. (EI 20151600756803) [PDF]


[Yang, 2012b] L. Yang, Z. Zhang*, W. Tian, et al. Advance on Trust Model and Evaluation Method in Social Networks [C]. In: Proc. of  The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012. (EI 20131016077249) [PDF]


[Xiang, 2012a] F. Xiang, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang,  et al. True Random Bit Generator Based on Cell Phone Recording and Chaotic Encryption [C]. In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, 2012. (EI 20124415628728) [PDF]


[Zhang, 2010b] Z. Zhang*. Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem [C]. In: Proc. of 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Special Session on Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Content Protection, Caen, France, Jun, 2010. (EI 20103913258649) [PDF] [Html]


[Niu, 2010] D. Niu, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang. A DRM System for Home Network Based on RBAC and License Chain [C]. In: Proc. of  The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753217) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2010] L. Zhang*, Z. Zhang*, Sen Sen, et al. A DRM System Based on PKI [C]. In: Proc. of  The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753219) [PDF] [Html]


[Ye, 2010] C. Ye, X. Liu, Z. Zhang, et al. Multi-Spectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion Based on Region Correlation Coefficient in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain [C]. In: Proc. of  The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753216) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2009b] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, J. Ma, et al. Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game-Theoretic Analyses of Adoptions of Security Policies for DRM [C]. In: Proc. of 5th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications, Satellite Workshop of 6th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Jan 10-13, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. (EI 20091512027309, ISTP 000268009200279) [PDF] [Html1] [Html2] 


[Zhang, 2009h]  Z. Zhang*, J. Pu, Q. Wu, et al. Utility-Factor Assessments and Swarm Simulations on DRM Security Policies [C]. In: Proc. of 2009 International Conference on Computer and Communications Security, IEEE Computer Society, Hong Kong, pp.55-59, Dec, 2009. (EI 20101512832855, ISTP 000276142900015)  [PDF] [Html1] [Html2]


[Zhang, 2008b] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, J. Ma, et al. A Fine-grained Digital Rights Transfer Policy and Trusted Distribution and Enforcement [C]. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security,Dec.13-17,2008 Suzhou SIP, China. (EI 090911923791, ISTP 000268099900205) [PDF] [Html1] [Html2]


[Zhang, 2008c] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, J. Ma, et al. A Benefits-Centric Multi-Participant Trust Architecture for DRM-Enabling Digital Content Value Chain Ecosystem [C]. 2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management, Wuhan, China, Dec 19, 2008. (EI 20094312395422,ISTP 000269752000051) [PDF] [Html1] [Html2]


[Zhang, 2008d] Z. Zhang*, Q. Pei, L. Yang. Implementing Trustworthy Dissemination of Digital Content by Using a Third Party Attestation Proxy-Enabling Remote Attestation Model [C].2008 International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology, Three Gorges, China, Dec 30-31, 2008. (EI 20094112369076, ISTP 000269971400081) [PDF] [Html1] [Html2]


[Zhang, 2006e] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu, S. Zhang. Dynamic Capability Delegation Model for MAS, Architecture and Protocols in CSCW Environment [C]. The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, Nanjing, China, May.3-5, 2006. (EI 073210756595, ISTP BFD79) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2006f] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Collaboration Access Control Model for MAS Based on Role and Agent Cooperative Scenarios [C]. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Luoyang, China, Jun 25-28, 2006. (EI 071710567371, ISTP BFE23) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2005c] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Delegation Model for CSCW Based on RBAC Policy and Visual Modeling [C]. In: Proceedings of The 11th Joint International Computer Conference, World Scientific Press Company, Chongqing, China, Nov, 2005. (ISTP Print-Style  BDF35) [PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2004b] Z. Zhang*, J. Pu. Permission-Role Based Delegation Model and Object-Oriented Modeling [C]. In: Proceedings of China National Open Distributed and Parallel Computing Symposium 2004, Beijing, China, pp.52-55, 2004.

Selected Reports, Ph.D. Dissertations & Master Theses


[Zhang, 2013R] Z. Zhang*, Research on Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Social Networks [R]. Xi'an Jiao Tong University Post-Doctoral Research Report, 2013, 1. (in Chinese)


[Zhang, 2009D] Z. Zhang, Ph.D. Dissertation (in English). Security Policies Analyses and Adoptions in Digital Rights Management [D]. 2009, 9. [Extended Abstract in English PDF] [Html]


[Zhang, 2003D] Z. Zhang, Master Thesis (in Chinese). Research on Role-Based Access Control Model and Its Application in Database Access Control [D]. 2003, 3. [Html]


[Chen, 2012D] S. Chen, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Research on Small-World Network Trust Evaluation Methods in Digital Rights Propagation [D]. 2012, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)


[Yang, 2013D] L. Yang, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Path Discovery and Risk assessment of Digital Rights Propagation in Multimedia Social Networks [D]. 2013, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)


[Wang, 2014D] Z. Wang, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Research and Development of Mobile DRM Technology Based on Android Platform [D]. 2014, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)


[Chen, 2014D] Q. Chen, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Research on Access Control for Multimedia Social Networks [D]. 2014, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)


[Chang, 2015D] Y. Chang, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Research on Security Protocols for Mobile Cloud Computing Environment [D]. 2015, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)


[Li, 2015D] H. Li, Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Research on Mechanism of Hot Spot Information Dissemination in Online SNS[ D]. 2015, 6. (Supervisor: Z. Zhang)

Academic Monographs [Back]


A. K. Sangaiah, M. Sheng, Z. Zhang. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications, Elsevier, 2018. (ISBN: 978-0-12-813314-9) [Html]

Brief Introduction: Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications covers timely topics, including the neural network (NN), particle swarm optimization (PSO), evolutionary algorithm (GA), fuzzy sets (FS) and rough sets (RS), etc. Furthermore, the book highlights recent research on representative techniques to elaborate how a data-centric system formed a powerful platform for the processing of cloud hosted multimedia big data and how it could be analyzed, processed and characterized by CI. The book also provides a view on how techniques in CI can offer solutions in modeling, relationship pattern recognition, clustering and other problems in bioengineering.
It is written for domain experts and developers who want to understand and explore the application of computational intelligence aspects (opportunities and challenges) for design and development of a data-centric system in the context of multimedia cloud, big data era and its related applications, such as smarter healthcare, homeland security, traffic control trading analysis and telecom, etc. Researchers and PhD students exploring the significance of data centric systems in the next paradigm of computing will find this book extremely useful.

Researchers and PhD who want to understand and explore the application of computational intelligence aspects for design and development of data centric system in the context of multi-media cloud, big data era and its related applications such as smarter health care, homeland security, bio engineering systems, robotics and intelligent assistance etc.


Z. Zhang, C. Zhao, J. Wang. Social Media Networks Security Theory and Technology [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2016. (ISBN 978-7-03-048711-7) [Html]

Brief Introduction: In recent years, social media networks security not only is the research focus of the multidisciplinary field including information technology, information management and social science and so on, but also is a challenging open issue that the interdisciplinary sciences are facing with. This book comprehensively discusses the latest efforts in the research of social media network security related theories, technologies and methods, and presents the CyVOD, a prototype system of self-developed multimedia social network prototype system. The book is divided into five parts: the first part is the basic of social media networks; the second part presents the trust assessment issue on social media user; the third part, the secure dissemination and risk management in social media networks; the following part, the access control, delegation authorization and security policies' game-theory for multimedia social networks; the last part, the prototype system of multimedia social network and future research prospects. The monograph also covers the following main works:

[1] Z. Zhang, B. B. Gupta. Social Media Trustworthiness and Security: Overview and New Direction. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2016.10.007
[2] Z. Zhang, R. Sun, C. Zhao, C. K. Chang, B. B. Gupta. CyVOD: A Novel Trinity Multimedia Social Network Scheme. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-4162-z
[3] W. Feng, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Han. A Novel Authorization Delegation for Multimedia Social Networks by using Proxy Re-encryption. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(21): 13995-14014.
[4] Z. Zhang, K. Wang. A Formal Analytic Approach to Credible Potential Path and Mining Algorithms for Multimedia Social Networks. The Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 668-678.
[5] Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, D. Niu. A Novel Approach to Rights Sharing-Enabling Digital Rights Management for Mobile Multimedia. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74 (16): 6255-6271.
[6] Z. Zhang, K. Wang. A Trust Model for Multimedia Social Networks. Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2013, 3(4): 969-979.


Z. Zhang. Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2012. (ISBN 978-7-03-034335-2) [Html]

Brief Introduction: The monograph has an objective to make an interesting insight on security, trust and risk in DRM ecosystem from interdisciplinary perspective. The state-of-the-art of DRM  technologies is firstly presented, and then the book proposed a tradeoff between DRM security and utility by cost-effectively adopting and deploying of security policies and mechanisms, in order to implement an optimal security-utility equilibrium and establish the multi-stakeholder trust in DRM ecosystem. And also, the book has an in-depth investigation on security risk management in the copyrighted content value chain. Finally, a comprehensive multimedia DRM application case for digital home networks was highlighted. This monograph is intended for research scientists, engineers, developers and high-level administrators of digital rights management ecosystems and applications, and also for advanced-level students in computer science, information technology and management science.

Up to now, Digital Rights Management (DRM) has been still a burning and challenging research topic since 1990s. In digital world and the DRM-enabling digital content value chain, various stakeholders don’t fully trust one another due to their own rights and benefits, thus leading to a fact that the security techniques become the basis of multi-participant trust. Existing security technology-related works primarily focus on content protections and secure disseminations by using cryptographic algorithms and secure protocols, trusted and controlled usages of copyrighted digital assets at the general-purpose or special-purpose user terminal devices, together with watermarking-based copyrights infringements tracking and prosecutions. No doubt that these typical security policies and usage restrictions are indispensable to DRM ecosystem, but the other cover of a coin, they give birth to several unexpected issues, such as the weaker system interoperability and usability, as well as higher security overheads. The simple adoptions of those general or increasingly enhanced security policies for DRM ecosystem would have negative influences on the utilities of participants without the consideration of the rational decision-making. Therefore, the adoptions of DRM security policies, the establishment of multi-stakeholder trust and security risk management become three essential aspects.
The monograph has an objective to make an interesting insight on security, trust and risk in DRM ecosystem from interdisciplinary perspective. There are involved with a tradeoff between DRM security and utility, in order to implement an optimal security-utility equilibrium and establish a multi-participant trust for various participants in the content value chain, by cost-effectively adopting and deploying of security policies and mechanisms. And also, inspired by risk management, we made in-depth investigation on security risk management in content value chain. Finally, we gave a DRM application case for Digital Home Network and a prototype on copyrighted multimedia content.


Z. Zhang. Risk Assessment and Management [M]. USA: Academy Publish, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-9835850-0-8) [Html]

Brief Introduction:  The broad definitions of a risk can be summarized as probability and/or impact of unfortunate events, or the quantifiable likelihood of loss. As soon as a probability of a loss occurs we need to asset it, model it and manage it to try to minimize the realization of mentioned unwanted opportunities. Risks can be found anywhere from financial markets, projects, natural causes, national securities, industrial processes, health, science experiments and so forth. Therefore, we need to manage the risks. Using ISO 31000 definition, risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate event or to maximize the realization of opportunities. While risk itself ISO defines as effect of uncertainty on objectives, whether positive or negative.
Risk assessment and management papers should describe important applications in the field of interest such as engineering, science, manufacturing, business, homeland security, management, and public policy. Use high mathematics or avoid it whenever possible by taking into consideration case studies; incorporate examples, illustrate analytical methods, discuss problems and possible solutions. Write a paper that will become a source for academic, industry, and government professionals in such diverse areas as homeland and cyber security, healthcare, the environment, physical infrastructure systems, engineering, business, and more.
Topics include as follows: Methods, Principles of risk management, Risk assessment in several main fields as information security, project management, software evolution and public health, etc.

    Online Download: [Html]


Z. Zhang, K. Fan. Digital Rights Management and Security Technology [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2013. (ISBN 978-7-118-08659-1, in Chinese) [Html]

Brief Introduction:  This book fully discusses and presents the relevant theories and methods, key technologies, standards and technical specifications at home and abroad, as well as a prototype system in the field of Digital Rights Management (DRM). There are involved with four parts in the book. The first part emphatically analyzes the DRM architectures and the state-of-the-art of researches; the second one studies the cryptographic techniques for DRM, usage control and digital watermarking technologies that are very essential to DRM ecosystem; the third part represents DRM security enhancement system, technical standards and specifications of domestic and overseas, and the prototype system we developed; final part proposes some open issues and challenges of DRM, for instance, the Digital Rights Management and trust evaluation in multimedia social network.

This book is not only suitable for the related researchers, industry engineers and technicians, governmental administrators and decision-makers who work for digital rights management, information system security, information management and e-commerce, but also is used as textbook or references for postgraduates and senior undergraduates in the universities and institutes.


Z. Zhang, K. Fan, F. Xiang (Translators),  Jennifer L. Bayuk, Jason Healey, Paul Rohmeyer, et al. Cyber Security Policy Guidebook [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2014, 11. (ISBN 978-7-118-09824-2, Chinese Edition) [Html]

Preface: The idea for this book coincided with a conference on Cyber Security Policy (SIT 2010). The conference had sessions ranging from security technology investment decisions by venture capitalists to the implications of cyber security policy on personal privacy. Though all speakers were experts in their field and were asked to address cyber security policy topics, many instead focused on strategy or technology issues. Even where it was clear that policy was being discussed, policies were often not articulated clearly enough for panelists and audience members to participate in informed debate. This observation itself became the buzz at the conference and made it a truly memorable experience for many who attended.
The experience made it clear that cyber security policy means different things to different people, even those who work in cyber security. This conclusion led us to the format of this book. That is, the book is designed to lead the reader through concepts that are individually easy to assimilate, and collectively provide a solid understanding of the field of cyber security and the place of policy within it.
We also knew that there is no one person experienced enough in cyber security to have been able to single-handedly write this book. The team was chosen to ensure that all the major fields of experience in cyber security were covered. Each contributed to chapters and sections that were specific to their experience. However, all chapters were scrutinized by all authors to ensure a cohesive presentation for the expected variety of readers. Policy is the domain of authoritative executives. Executive authority may stem from the social contracts by which governments are established or the domain of a private enterprise. This book was written with those executives in mind, but it is not intended solely for their consumption. In order that cyber security policy analysis receive the critical scrutiny essential to sound legislation on both public and private fronts, the audience for this book must extend to executive advisors, educators, researchers, legislative staff, and practitioners in the field. Though each member of the audience brings his or her own background and experience to the material presented herein, we expect that current concepts on cyber security policy will be enriched by sharing this common presentation framework and nomenclature with colleagues in the same field, whose professional experience has exposed them to cyber security issues of varying scope. Most literature about cyber security falls into two categories: technology and advice. This book will refrain from technical jargon and also from recommendations with respect to decisions in any given case of cyber security policy. Although the book endeavors to explain technology issues in cyber security, it does so in layman’s terms. At the same time, the book emphasizes the importance of critical and analytical thinking about decisions with respect to cyber security and will equip the reader with descriptions of the impact of specific policy choices, letting the reader decide whether to view that impact as positive or negative. This guidebook integrates explanations of cyber security policy alternatives across potential executive, legislative, judiciary, commercial, military, and diplomatic action. Readers across these disciplines are expected to view its content through the lens of their own area of expertise and also gain insights from issues encountered by others. It will be an introductory text for the uninitiated, while at the same time providing a holistic reference for experts in the field of cyber security.

Standards, Patents & Computer Software Copyrights [Back]


Information Technology - Digital Rights Management - Terminology, National Standardization of The People's Republic of China (GB/T 30247-2013), Standardization Administration Committee of The People’s Republic of China, 2013.


Interactive Platform for Digital Television Receiving Equipment, The First Part: System Architecture, Electronic Industry Standardization of The People's Republic of China (SJ/T 11521.1-2015), 2015.


Interactive Platform for Digital Television Receiving Equipment, The First Part: Application Programming Interface, Electronic Industry Standardization of The People's Republic of China (SJ/T 11521.2-2015), 2015.


Interactive Platform for Digital Television Receiving Equipment, The First Part: Test Specification, Electronic Industry Standardization of The People's Republic of China (SJ/T 11521.3-2015), 2015.


A Method for Sharing Digital License Right Certificate between Terminal Equipments. ZL 201310432119.1, 2016.


A Method for Transferring Digital License Right Certificate between Terminal Equipments. ZL 201310431675.7, 2016.


A Method and System for Digital Content Sharing of Digital Network. ZL 201110314236.9, 2013.


A Digital Copyright Protection System for Multimedia Audio and Video. ZL 201320035188.04, 2013.


A Digital Rights Management System Based on Trusted Computing. ZL 201220001056.05, 2013.


A Method of Digital Content Distribution for Multimedia Social Networks. ZL 201110188334.2, 2011.


A Method of Digital Content Trusted Usage Control Based on Cloud Computing. ZL 201110395752.9, 2011.


A Biometrics-Based Method for Remote Authentication, ZL 200810150642.4, 2010.


An Enhanced Security Method for Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault System, ZL 200810150579.4, 2010.


A Biometric-Based Encryption Method, ZL 200810150646.2, 2011.  


Multimedia Social Network Platform V2.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2016SR111178, 2016.


Multimedia Social Network Platform V1.2 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2016SR034178, 2016.


Multimedia Social Network Platform V1.1 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2015SR133496, 2015.


Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management Player V3.1 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2015SR040282, 2015.


Network-Based Map Marker Decision-Making System V1.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR133532, 2014.


Multimedia Social Network Platform V1.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR068647, 2014.


Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management Player V3.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR070147, 2014.


Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management Player V2.1 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR014629, 2014.


DRM Player Audio & Video Digital Content Security Usage Control System V3.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR005237, 2014.


AES-Based Digital Content Encryption Software V1.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2014SR000851, 2014.


iOS-Based Mobile Multimedia Player V1.0(Computer Software Copyrights). 2013SR096143,2013.


Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management Player V2.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2013SR076402, 2013


Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management Player V1.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2013SR050957, 2013.


DRM Player Audio & Video Digital Content Security Usage Control System V2.0 (Computer Software Copyrights). 2013SR006111, 2013.


Mobile Multimedia Audio and Video Player (Computer Software Copyrights). 2012SR053601, 2012.


DRM Player Audio & Video Digital Content Security Usage Control System V1.0 (Software Copyrights). 2011SR048666, 2011.


Digital Content Management System for Online Audio and Video (Software Copyrights). 2011SR043045, 2011.


Cross-Platform Digital Content Encryption Software (Software Copyrights). 2011SR080603, 2011.


Online Questionnaire Survey Platform (Software Copyrights). 2011SR083652, 2011.


Computer Supported Cooperative Work Platform Access Control System (Software Copyrights). 2010SR034617, 2010.

Prototypes & Demos [Back]


Multimedia Social Network Platform, V1.0, V1.1 (2013-2015)
How to comprehensively explore, improve and deploy multimedia social network (MSN) has become a significant topic, no matter for
traditional multimedia applications or the emerging personal and mobile multimedia. More and more MSNs offer convenient tools, services, and applications for multimedia content including audio and video that can be shared among users, but multimedia security and digital rights management (DRM) is meanwhile highlighted due to easier distributions of valuable, confidential or copyrighted multimedia content within the social networks. The platform focuses on a comprehensively trinity scheme of multimedia social network integrating such three functions as multimedia content security, social recommendation algorithms and DRM. Based on the scheme, a cross-platform MSN enabled with both online and offline, named as CyVOD (VOD·Cyclone), was realized and deployed in open Internet. Compared with the existing representative MSNs, the proposed scheme is holistic approach to the tradeoff on both multimedia content security and efficiency of content/user recommendation. The platform of the multimedia social network is divided into two parts: foreground and background. The foreground is oriented to users while the background is administrator-oriented. Users are allowed to register, log in, search, preview audio and video and download the full encrypted version, purchase or share the digital license, and upload audio and video. With the authority of setting access rights for the uploaded contents, tampering and unauthorized transmissions may be prevented. For administrators, modifications, deletions, retrievals and audits of the multimedia contents users upload, adding and removal of common users and administrators are allowed. More importantly, administrators set the secure login policies for the good of foreground users so that the suspected login of illegal users is avoided.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2014SR068647, 2015SR133496).


Player software for mobile multimedia digital rights management, V1.0, V2.0 (2012-2013)
his system is oriented for digital rights management of both audio and video at the Android mobile terminal. There system selected Android system which has the most market share in the mobile terminal as the target platform, GUI using Java language to develop, development environment is Android SDK+ADK+Eclipse for windows; Players kernel using C/C++ language to develop, development environment is GCC and other tools needed by Android source code for the Linux. Eventually realized the mechanism of encrypted audio and video content based on digital license and separation send digital rights, the binding function of License and device hardware information, and the function of user license sharing for Android platform. Meeting the requirements of audio and video authorization usage control and digital right management for mobile terminal Android platform, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
Mobile DRM Player V2.0 compared with V1.0, the new function Mainly including: The license using standard XML language format, binding the license and native device unique identification number, The decryption key of audio and video in license using ciphertext to store; The function of user rights sharing, Users can share the license rights on the device to other users or devices, While other devices having the rights, native device license rights to make the appropriate changes (such as accordingly reducing the authorization play times).
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2013SR050957, 2013SR076402, 2014SR070147, 2015SR040282).


DRM Player Audio & Video Digital Content Security Usage Control System, V1.0, V2.0 (2011-2013)
he system for digital audio and video control of full life cycle process, realize the important function of digital content based on cryptographic protection and its license’s generation , permits issued, trusted distribution, secure use and transfer and so on. Through using the method of Separation and distribution of digital content and its license and authorization usage control to prevent abuse and arbitrary sharing of resources, and achieve the function of security usage control and digital copyright protection for audio and video resources. The system is divided into two parts, Server and Client, Server mainly realizes the function of Digital content package which is based on 3DES cipher algorithm as well as Digital license generation of Content encryption key and authorization privileges, etc; Client mainly realizes the function of the decryption of digital audio and video content and playback usage control and authority transfer, etc.
Using C++ language, this system has realized security usage control Prototype system DRM Player for the full life cycle of digital audio and video content, which has effective protection for Authorized use and digital rights of audio and video content , realizing the Limited times security usage control function of digital audio video that Located in the user terminal, as well as security and controlled between users, flexible digital rights transfer, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
System V2.0 for DRM audio and video digital content security usage control compared with V1.0, the new function Mainly including: The server added the function of binding the digital certificate and user's machine hardware information, and the function of encryption storage for digital certificate, making the digital certificate stored on the user's machine more security and controllable; The client GUI added the function of displaying the machine hardware information, the DOS interface added the function of diagnosis and displaying the specific cause of the encrypted audio video can’t play and checking the license hardware information.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2011SR048666, 2013SR006111).


Mobile Multimedia Audio and Video Player (2011-2013)
n recent years, with the progress of electronic information science and technology, the function of mobile phone that Consumers used is no longer just pure communications business, emergence of smart phones, music phones, Android phones, iPhone mobile phones, etc, function has developed to data services, internet services and multimedia services ,etc. The Multimedia audio and video playback function of mobile phone has become an important part of people's concern, a good performance of the mobile terminal multimedia audio and video player software to be favored. Compared with the traditional multimedia audio and video player, Mobile playback audio and video is easier to carry and use, which has a good market and application prospect.
Using the Eclipse development environment, by using SDK and ADT plugin for development and completion, which is a multimedia application software based on Android mobile phone platform system. The software can satisfy the basic needs of the use and playback of general multimedia audio and video for users, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2012SR053601)


Digital Content Management System for Online Audio and Video (2009-2011)
he system is based on open Internet platform, Designing And Realizing an audio and video digital rights management system , setting digital content resource online publishing, authorization management, usage control and License Transfer as a whole. Through using the method of authorization usage control for digital content to prevent abuse and arbitrary sharing of resources, and achieve the function of digital copyright protection for audio and video resources. The system is divided into two parts, foreground and background, Foreground mainly realizes the user to the purchase of digital content, Play online usage control, Security transfer of user licenses and Online Register and other functions. Background is mainly used for the management and distribution of digital audio and video , and the authorization management of registered user.
Using ASP.NET technology, Dreamweaver and C# as the proscenium development tool, Visual Studio 2008 as the development platform, SQL Server 2005 as the background database, The system has realized audio and video security usage control function about time limit and restrict deadline and limit the number of online audio and video, As well as the flexible between users, security and controlled of digital rights transfer, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2011SR043045).


iOS-Based Mobile Multimedia Player (2013)
The software is based on Objective-C, Using the iOS controls and XCode programming environment to realize the broadcast and the program interface processing of all kinds of media, this software integrated with audio and video playback function, meeting the basic needs to the use and broadcast of the general multimedia audio and video for user, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 201


Online Questionnaire Survey Platform (2010-2012)
ith the increasing popularity of the Internet and the rapid growth of network users, Internet users gradually from professionals developed into a variety of general staff, Making more and more enterprises and researchers begin to use the Internet as a means of questionnaire survey. So, the opening online questionnaire survey management system is also needed to more and more people. This system has designed and implemented for the open web platform, implementing the create, distribute, manage, fill in and submit to all kinds of questionnaire survey and statistics comprehensive online survey management system. mainly including the development of survey papers to create and publish module, The questionnaire answers module, respondents management and email invitation module etc.
Using ASP.NET technology and C# as the proscenium development tool, SQL Server 2005 as the background database, Visual Studio 2008 as the development platform, this system has mainly realized the function of proscenium member registration, the questionnaire survey to create, release, etc; It is used for database management, to add, delete, and update on questionnaire for the administrator and the management of the registered user information, and other functions in background .
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2011SR080603).


Network-Based Map Marker Decision-Making System V1.0 (2014)
ith the rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet, and the public with the desires and requirements of participating the landscape and landmark design are more stronger. In the landscape planning filed, traditional top-down planning methods are not suitable for the current development. This system is aimed at using the convenient of internet and electronic map and changes the traditional pattern of artificial questionnaire investigate and makes users complete the map labeling of interesting scenery and landscape. Thus the system forms a statistic data, so that the data is used for designing decision support and reference of designer.

The system uses ASP.NET technology, with the Dreamweaver and C# as the foreground development tools ,Visual Studio 2008 as the development platform, SQL Server 2008 as the database and Baidu map as the interface. The system realizes the major functions of map labeling, survey questionnaire and data analysis etc.. And, the system runs stably and man-machine interface is friendly and easy to use.

This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2014SR133532).


Cross-Platform Digital Content Encryption Software (2010-2011)
The system for the actual needs of digital copyright protection of digital audio and video content copyright in the whole life cycle, Implements the process of server-side based on 3DES cipher algorithm digital content encryption and packaging ,which Suitable for Liunx and Windows two kinds of operating system platform, having cross-platform ability.
Using Java language, this system has realized the cross-platform digital audio and video content server encryption and decryption software, Effectively protecting the safe use and digital copyright of audio and video content, and the system runs stably, friendly man-machine interface and is easy to use.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2011SR080603).


Computer Supported Cooperative Work Platform Access Control System (2003-2005)
his system adopts RABAC (Role-Activity-Based Access Control) of proprietary intellectual property rights for CSCW model, which has realized access control and authorization management system for computer sponsored cooperative work (CSCW) system. The system includes the management of collaborative tasks, activities (tasks), collaborative users, collaboration entity and so on, as well as the centralized general authorization and User-level delegation authorization of CSCW system data resources. in addition, the effective management to collaborative role and rules of user operation permissions for this system, which can better realize authorization management of the resource access and access control required minimum privilege, separation of duties, pumping leisure right three basic security features.
This system can be effectively applied to the CSCW platform, the main function can better realize the main function about resource access ability of authorization management and entrust ,also can be easily transplanted to other information management system, ERP system, realize the security access control of enterprise units confidential sensitive data resources.
This system was registered by The Computer Software Copyright of China (Registration No. 2010SR034617)


Database Security Management System for Oracle (2000-2003)
This system systematically designs and implements the database security management system, which adopts the RBAC and multilevel mandatory access control model ,including the security session management, user and role management, safety rule base management, multi-level security identification management, as well as the database audit function, etc. This system is suitable for the information system which is based on the construction of enterprise data information security platform of large-scale database Oracle, which has been practical applied in the engineering database system security in Flood control command decision support system in Heilongjiang Province provincial water resources bureau, to good effect.
This system can be easily transplanted to Sybase, SQL Server and other mainstream database system in large-scale information management system and ERP  as back-end data management, and realize seamless docking with them.

Editorial Board, Guest Editor/TPC [Back]


Editorial Board Member of Multimedia Tools and Applications (2015-, Springer, ISSN-Print: 1380-7501, ISSN-Online: 1573-7721, SCI IF=1.346)


Editorial Board Member of Neural Network World (2015-, Czech Republic, ISSN-Print: 1210-0552, ISSN-Online: 2336-4335, SCI IF=0.479)


Editorial Board Member of Journal on Big Data (2018-, Springer, ISSN: 2196-1115)


Editorial Board Member of EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2016-, Springer, ISSN: 1687-417X, EI Compendex)


Editorial Board Member of Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (2015-, Online ISSN 2352-0973, Print ISSN 2352-0965, EI)


International Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (2017-, IGI Global, 2156-1834, EISSN: 2156-1826)


Associate Editor of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (2016-, Springer, ISSN: 2192-1962, SCIE)


Associate Editor of IEEE Access (2018-, IEEE, ISSN: 2169-3536)


Associate Editor of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2013-2017, Springer, ISSN-Print: 1869-5450, ISSN-Online: 1869-5469)


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on The Convergence of New Computing Paradigms and Big Data Analytics Methodologies for Online Social Networks, Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier, ISSN: 1877-7503, SCI IF=1.078) [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystem, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier, ISSN: 1568-4946, SCI IF=2.81) [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Multimedia Social Network Security and Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer, ISSN-Print: 1380-7501, ISSN-Online: 1573-7721, SCI IF=1.346) [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Applied Soft Computing for Online Social Networks, Neural Network World (Czech Republic, ISSN-Print: 1210-0552, ISSN-Online: 2336-4335, SCI IF=0.479) [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Multimedia Social Networks, Computer Journal (Oxford, ISSN-Print: 0010-4620, ISSN-Online: 1460-2067, SCI IF=0.787) [Guest Editorial] [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Challenges for Multimedia Content Security in Social Networks , EURASIP Journal on Information Security (Springer, ISSN: 1687-417X, EI) [HTML]


Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue on Recent Research in Computational Intelligence Paradigms into Security and Privacy for Online Social Networks (OSNs), Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier, ISSN: 0167-739X, SCI IF=2.786) [HTML]


Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue on Swarm and Evolutionary Computational Approaches: Recent Advances in Networking and Internet of Things (IoT), International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (ISSN Online: 1741-5225, ISSN Print: 1470-9503) [HTML]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on The Challenge of Multimedia Social Networks and Security, Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Online ISSN 2352-0973, Print ISSN 2352-0965, EI) [Guest Editorial]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Multimedia Contents Security in Social Networks Applications, Journal of Multimedia (JMM, ISSN: 1796-2048, EI) [HTML] [Guest Editorial]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications (AICIT, ISSN-Print:1975-9339, ISSN-Online: 2233-9310, EI)


Congress Review Panel Member, 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services, San Francisco, CA, US. (SERVICES 2018)


Proceedings Co-Chair, 2017 IEEE Conference on Computers, Software and Applications, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, 2017. (COMPSAC 2017)


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications (AICIT, ISSN-Print:1975-9339, ISSN-Online: 2233-9310, EI)


Publication Chair, 2016 IEEE Conference on Computers, Software and Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016. (COMPSAC 2016)


Co-Chair, 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Cloud Computing, Wuhan, China, 2016. (ICC 2016)


Technical Co-Sponsor, 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics, Rourkela, India, 2016. (ICACNI 2016)


TPC Member, The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (2010 France, 2011 Turkey, 2014 Italy, 2015The Netherlands, 2016 Austria)


TPC Member, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (2013 Spain, 2014 Italy, 2015 France, 2016 Italy)


TPC Member, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Jaipur, India, 2016. (ICACCI 2016)


Chair, Invited Session on Multimedia Social Networks and Soft Computing (ICGEC-2013-IS03), Seventh International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. (ICGEC2013, Czech Republic), (ICGEC-2013-IS03)


Chair, Invited Session on Multimedia and Cloud Computing Security (ICGEC-2012-IS01), Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2012), Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012. (ICGEC2012, Japan), (ICGEC-2012-IS01)


Chair, Special Session on Digital Home Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (DHN-MM 2011), 2011International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010. (HPCS2011, Turkey), (DHN-MM2011)


TChair, Invited Session on Digital Rights Management (ICGEC-2011-IS01), Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2011), Taiwan, 2011. (ICGEC2011, Taiwan), (ICGEC-2011-IS01)


Chair, Special Session on Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (TUN-MM 2010), 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Caen, France, 2010. (HPCS2010, France), (TUN-MM2010)


Chair, Invited Session on  Security and Trust in Ubiquitous Networks (ICGEC-2010-IS06), Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2010), Shenzhen, China, 2010. (ICGEC2010, China), (ICGEC2010-IS06)


Chair, Invited Session on Digital Rights Management (IAS-2009-IS15), The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi'an, China, 2009. (IAS2009, China), (IAS-2009-IS15)


Chair, International Workshop on Digital Rights Management & Contents Protection (CIS-Workshop2009), conjunction with 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Security, Beijing, China, 2009. (CIS2009, China), (CIS-Workshop2009)


TPC Member, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Jaipur, India, 2016. (ICACCI 2016)

Call For Papers/Chapters [Back]



Special Issue on “AI-Enabled and Human-Centric Computing for Online Social Networks Security, Privacy and Trust”, Journal of Information Processing Systems (ISSN: 1976-913X (Print), ISSN: 2092-805X (Online)) [Call for Papers]

  Online social networks (OSNs) are now deeply entrenched in our society and daily lives. This is not surprisingly as such platforms, tools, applications and services allow us to conveniently acquire, exchange and share data, information, and knowledge on a much larger scale, and without geographic restriction. This has also contributed to trends such as the emerging AI-enabled and human-centric frontier computing driven by social media big data, including new computing paradigms, e.g., aware computing and (social) situation analytics, to facilitate social data mining and knowledge discovery. There are, however, security, privacy and trustworthiness issues that need to be addressed by integrating artificial intelligence theories and methods, such as based on the ML/DL/causality inference, as well as human-centric and hardware controlled online social networks features. This is the focus of this thematic issue. More specifically, we are seeking to investigate the emerging AI-enabled and human-centric computing challenges and their state-of-the-art theories, models, algorithms and solutions.



Journal of Information Processing Systems is soliciting high quality manuscripts presenting original contributions for its special issue. In this thematic issue, we solicit the submission of high-quality original research and survey articles in topics including, but are not limited to, particularly interdisciplinary submissions that bring together social media, security, privacy and trust researchers.

- AI and Frontier human-centric computing paradigms for OSNs security

- ML/DL/causality inference models and algorithms for social big data security analysis

- Social IOT and hardware controlled online security features for social computing

- Computational intelligence for social behavior analysis, social bots checking and controlling

- Fine-grained and spatial-temporal-featured privacy protection employed by AI

- Social big data-driven trust management and risk assessment, as well as social-factor considerations in the social ecosystems 

- Human-centric OSNs security prototypes and empirical studies together with social big data applications



This special issue will accept about 6~8 papers, in which an outstanding paper will be wave APC. Corresponding author should be distinguished researcher (IEEE Fellow, Indexed Journal EiC, etc.).

Papers must be submitted to the Manuscript Link service -
  It is important that authors should select "Special Issue Track" and "AI-Enabled and Human-Centric Computing for Online Social Networks Security, Privacy and Trust" when they reach the "Basic Information" step in the submission process.

Before submitting papers, you need to read the JIPS submission guideline.



Zhiyong Zhang, Ph.D., SMIEEE,

Department of Computer Science

Henan University of Science and Technology, China  


Dr. Celestine Iwendi, Ph.D., SMIEEE,

Fellow Higher Education Academy

Board Member IEEE Sweden Section, Sweden



- Manuscript submission due: May. 30, 2020

- Author notification: August. 30, 2020 (tentative)

- Expected publication: 4th quarter, 2020 (tentative)



Closed Special Issues/Book Chapters/Workshops/Invited Sessions


项目符号 Special Issue on “Intelligent Approaches for Multimedia Future Communications and Internet of Things”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer, ISSN-Print: 1380-7501, ISSN-Online: 1573-7721) [Call for Papers, PDF, 486k]


Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Advanced Soft Computing Methodologies and Applications in Social Media Big Data Analytics, Journal on Big Data (2018-, Springer, ISSN: 2196-1115) [Official Website]


Elsevier Book Chapters :Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications, Elsevier series on: Intelligent Data-Centric Systems: Sensor Collected Intelligence [Official Website]


Special Issue on The Convergence of New Computing Paradigms and Big Data Analytics Methodologies for Online Social Networks, Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier, ISSN: 1877-7503), [Official Website, html] [Call for Papers, PDF, 126k] [WikiCFP, html] [CCF, html]


Special Issue on Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystem, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier, ISSN: 1568-4946) [Official Website, html] [Call for Papers, PDF, 87k] [WikiCFP, html]


Special Issue on Swarm and Evolutionary Computational Approaches: Recent Advances in Networking and Internet of Things (IoT), Int. J. of Networking and Virtual Organisations (InderScience, ISSN Online: 1741-5225, ISSN Print: 1470-9503) [Official Website, html] [Call for Papers, PDF, 223k] [WikiCFP, html]


Special issue on Recent Research in Computational Intelligence Paradigms into Security and Privacy for Online Social Networks (OSNs), Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier, ISSN: 0167-739X)  [Official Website, html] [WikiCFP, html]


Special Issue on Applied Soft Computing for Online Social Networks, Neural Network World (Czech Republic, ISSN-Print: 1210-0552, ISSN-Online: 2336-4335) [Official Website, html] [Call for Papers, PDF, 103k] [WikiCFP, html]


Special Issue on Multimedia Social Network Security and Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer, ISSN-Print: 1380-7501, ISSN-Online: 1573-7721) [Official Website, html] [Call for Papers, PDF, 202k] [WikiCFP, html]


Special Issue on Challenges for Multimedia Content Security in Social Networks, EURASIP Journal on Information Security (Springer, ISSN: 1687-417X) [Official Website, Html] [Call for Papers, PDF] 


Special Issue on Multimedia Social Networks Security and Big Data Analysis, International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (InderScience, ISSN-Print: 2053-1389, ISSN-Online: 2053-1397) [Official Website Html][CCF Html]


Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Multimedia Social Networks, The Computer Journal (Online ISSN 1460-2067 - Print ISSN 0010-46200-46200-4620) [Html]


Invited Session on Multimedia Social Networks and Soft Computing (ICGEC-2013-IS03), Seventh International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. (ICGEC-2013-IS03)


Special Issue on Intelligence Digital Content Security, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications (


Invited Session on Multimedia and Cloud Computing Security (ICGEC-2012-IS01), Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2012), Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012 (ICGEC2012, Japan), (ICGEC-2012-IS01)


Special Issue on Multimedia Content Security in Social Networks Applications, Journal of Multimedia (


Special Session on Digital Home Networks & Multimedia Content Protection (DHN-MM 2011), 2011International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010. (


Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications (


Special Session on Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Content Protection (TUN-MM 2010), 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Caen, France, 2010. (HPCS2010, France), (TUN-MM2010)


Invited Session on  Security and Trust in Ubiquitous Networks (ICGEC-2010-IS06), Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2010), Shenzhen, China, 2010. (ICGEC2010, China), (ICGEC2010-IS06)


Invited Session on Digital Rights Management (IAS-2009-IS15), The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi'an, China, 2009. (IAS2009, China), (IAS-2009-IS15)


International Workshop on Digital Rights Management & Content Protection (CIS-Workshop2009), conjunction with 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Security, Beijing, China, 2009. (CIS2009, China), (CIS-Workshop2009)

Readings & Resources [Back]


[My IEEE related to Digital Rights Management] [My Google Scholar Citations] [Springer] [WikiCFP] [Academic Resource] [Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection] [IEEE Big Data Initiative] [IEEE Cyber Security Initiative]


[Agile Software Development] [Succeeding with Agile] [Gitlab] [Continue Integration] [Continue Integration Article] [Introduction to User Story] [Writing User Story] [Jenkins]


[IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE)] [IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics (IEEE)] [IEEE Multimedia Magazine (IEEE)] [ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM)] [Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer)] [Multimedia Systems (Springer)] [IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE)] [IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE)] [ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (ACM)] [Computers & Security (Elsevier)] [Neurocomputing (Elsevier)] [Journal of Computer Security (IOS Press)] [EURASIP Journal on Information Security (Springer)] [IET Information Security (IET)] [Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier)] [International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (Idea Group Inc)] [International Journal of Information and Computer Security (InderScience)] [Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)] [International Journal of Network Security (Taiwan)] [Security Informatics (Springer)] [The Computer Journal (Oxford Journals)] [World Wide Web (Springer)] [Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer)] [Journal of Parallel  and Distributed Computing (Elsevier)] [Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)] [Dynamic Games and Applications (Springer)] [Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing (U.S.A.)] [Neural Network World (Czech Republic)] [Journal of Computational Information Systems (Binary Information)] [Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier)] [Soft Computing (Springer)] [Social Networks (Elsevier)] [Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer)] [Journal of Cloud Computing (Springer)] [Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (Springer)] [Journal of Internet Services and Applications (Springer)] [Journal of Trust Management (Springer)] [Journal of Big Data (Springer)] [Enterprise Information System (Taylor & Francis)] [Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)] [International Journal of Information Security (Springer)] [Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier)] [Communications of ACM (ACM)]

项目符号 [MIT Media Lab Affective Computing Group][Social Networks Dataset] [Research Dataset from CCF] [Springer Impact Factor 2014] [WikiCFP] [Papers Invited] [Conferences Alerts] [Springer AuthorMap]
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RecruitmenT  [Back]

The students, who are junior and senior majoring in mathematics, computer science and information management science, etc, full of spirit, research interests on the above mentioned fields, and basic technical capabilities, are encouraged to enter CSA for pursuing Ph. D. and Master degrees, or being post-doc fellowship. Please send your CV and research plan to me through E-mail: I would give you an offer ASAP based on an overall estimation. CSA's philosophy is Deep· Dedicated· Determined· Dynamic. Join us for today. Do what you like, like what you do.  

My Office @ HAUST [Back]

   Room 509 (Office), Gongke Building #2

   Department of Computer Science

   Henan University of Science & Technology

   263 Kaiyuan Ave, Luolong District

   Luoyang, Henan 471023, P. R. of China


My Office @ IsU (Memorial) [Back]

   Room B26D (Office), Atanasoff Hall

   Department of Computer Science

   Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA



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Henan International Joint Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Applications

Henan Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Development Innovation Laboratory

Henan University of Science & Technology (HAUST), 263 Kaiyuan Ave, Luoyang 471023, P. R. of China.

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