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  • 来自Elsevier国际期刊Computers & Security文章"An adversary model to evaluate DRM protection of video contents on iOS devices"【引用与评价

  • Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Digital Rights Management Ecosystem and its Usage Controls: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.3, pp.255-272, 2011.  (EI 20112214020460) [PDF] [Html]

  • [Zhang, 2009a] Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pei Qingqi, Yang Lin, Ma Jianfeng. Security and Trust in Digital Rights Management: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2009, 9(3): 247-263. (EI 20131316154339[PDF] [Cite1] Zoltán Hornák, István Nyilas, Dániel Petró, et al, “uTRUSTit – Usable Trust in the Internet of Things,” Technical Report, SEARCH-LAB Ltd, Dec, 2010.

  • Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Qingqi Pei, Jianfeng Ma, Lin Yang, Kefang Fan. Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game-Theoretic Analyses of Adoptions of Security Policies for DRM [C]. In: Proc. of 5th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications, Satellite Workshop of 6th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Jan 10-13, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. (EI 20091512027309, ISTP 000268009200279) [PDF] [Html1] [Html2]  [Cite1]  B. Ali and M. Maheswaran, “Using Social Factors in Digital Rights Management,” Proc. of 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics on Security, August 2009, Montreal, Canada.  [Cite2] B. Ali and M. Maheswaran, “Aligning the Incentives for Social Media Distribution,” Technical Report, School of Computer Science, Jan, 2010. [Cite3] P. A. Jamkhedkar, G. L. Heileman, C. C. Lamb, “An interoperable usage management framework,” Proc. of 10th Annual ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management, pp.73-87, 2010. [Cite4] Pramod Jamkhedkar, "A Framework for Usage Management," PhD Dissertation, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2011. 本文被国际同行评价为“得出了帕累托**优的Nash均衡存在条件”。

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